Friday, 18 August 2017

Home Remedies


Diseases And Natural Remedy(Health Is Wealth)

Abdominal Pains After Delivery
Take 2 Spoonful of honey in a glass cup of warm water, 3 Times daily.

Squeeze handful of scent leaf in water and drink.Dosage 25cl
Menstrual Pains
Boil one lipton-Tea with Limes for five minutes,sieve and drink. 

Grind Sulphur,mix with kerosene and works miracle
Blocked Fallopian Tube
Boil skin of kola nut and drink.
Half glass, 2 Times daily for 7 days.

Food poisoning
Get bitter leaf,squeeze with water,extract the water and mix with palm kernel oil.
Drink the mixture immediately. 

Asthma cure
Grind Bitter Cola into original Honey,leaved it for a day to mix up.

After one day,take 2 spoon morning and night.

Urinary Tract Infection.
1.Boil Corn silk and drink as tea,2 times daily.
2.Soak unripe pawpaw with Garlic in a water and leave it for three days to ferment.Take 1 Cup 3 Times daily.

Stooping And Vomiting
Get Charcoal  grind to powder, add palm oil and mix together.
Take only 1 Spoon to stop the Stooping and vomiting. 

Get 2 Wonderful cola,grind and put in Tonic Water for 2 days.
Adult 2 Table spoon,Children 1 Table Spoon 2 times daiy


I n our society today,malaria and Typhoid has been the order of the day. But Thank God for this newly discovered mixture of unripe pawpaw juice and Vinegar leaf . Before I unfold the recipe on how to go
about it,lets quickly look into the strength of pawpaw and Vinegar.
The CARICA PAPAYA or as We in Nigeria call Pawpaw and others name it the Tree of Life. It is the only Tree in the World that will fruit every month of the year in a Tropical situation. Its leaves ,fruit and crushed seed will heal the Human body of all ailments disease and will help with the REGENERATION of our bodies. The Papaya is a TREE of LIFE and a TREE of MAGIC and MIRACLES. How does it accomplish its mission, it is with the ENZYME in it called PAPAIN and other Chemical Compounds. The PAPAIN ENZYME is an ATOM SPLITTING ENZYME and LOVES to DEVOUR PROTEIN ATOMS.
All DISEASE AND AILMENTS have PROTEINS in their make up and this ENZYME PAPAIN DESTROYS DISEASE and AILMENTS by SPLITTING THEIR ATOMS and PROTEINS that make them up. The Power of this Enzyme is quite amazing as you will find out once you start using this Tree the right way, it is a Tree of Miracles.
Christopher Columbus dubbed papaya “The Fruit of the Angels” after discovering its luscious taste, soft butter-like consistency and rich texture. Papaya is popular all over the world and for good reason.
This tropical fruit is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K, and has antioxidant properties. It also contains magnesium, potassium, niacin, carotene, protein, fiber and an enzyme called papain that provides many health benefits.
Not just the fruit pulp, even the seeds of papaya have many health benefits.
                                                   Vinegar Tree
Vinegar has been a useful medicine for thousands of years, crossing continents and cultures, assisting doctors and helping ailing populations. While current medicine focuses almost exclusively on complex chemical and drug treatments, vinegar is still being studied for its potential uses in both complementary and orthodox medicine.
As a home remedy, it is reputed to soothe almost anything from joint paint and sore throats to eczema and fatigue and is also beneficial to weight loss.
Having learn more about the two magical trees,Pawpaw and Vinegar,here comes Typhoid remedy recipe,discovered by me.For a year plus,I have been using this recipe to treat people with drug resistance Typhoid and Testimony flows So I feel it's necessary to introduce this simple remedy to entire world to benefit from it.I do not ask for money before giving out the recipe..becase you maybe my Destiny helper tomorrow or anyone else Destiny helper,So you deserve to live in good health.
The Recipe.
Take one unripe pawpaw,wash it neatly with a clean water,cut the entire pawpaw into pieces and place it into blender and grand.At the end,squeeze out the water into a clean plate
Take few leaves of Vinegar,grand and mix both of them together and NOTE.You must dilute the mixture with a little water as raw pawpaw juice is so powerful. At the end you filter the content into 25cl glass cup and drink it at once.You can repeat same in the evening for quick recovery.Beside the two combination being a Typhoid cure,it also works miraculously in joint pains. 
Good Luck.
If you have any other idea you can leave in the comment box and if you don't understand perfectly,contact me for more explanation. Email 

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Home Remedies

KEEP IN MIND THAT IT IS IMPORTANT TO CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR.  Diseases And Natural Remedy(Health Is Wealth) Abdominal Pains After Deliver...